Welcome to "Shree Vallabh Adhyatmik Sevashram Charitable Trust"
Form of Sadguru
All Gurus, mentors or teachers may not have the graces of the ‘higher universal being’ though they may be connected to students… and hence they cannot energise or give ‘shaktipaths’ to anyone.

The person who is connected or has had direct graces can only energise or give ‘shaktipaths’ to others. Their mere presence can let it happen. Such person will not call them Guru because they will not have any individual entity or ego. Infact it’s because they are egoless they were made to be a medium of divinity.

No true Guru or Sadguru or Zen or medium of divinity will like to be called by such names as that title implies a relationship with students and such medium of graces will run away from any individual relationships as they are in relationship with the divinity only.

Shri Vyomeshji